Local Offer
1. How does the setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have additional special educational needs?
When your child joins the setting we will discuss with you what your child enjoys and what they can already do. Your child will have a key person who will work closely with you to monitor their progress and ensure they are reaching appropriate developmental milestones. If your child has been recognised as needing additional support or you have concerns, we can offer support and source external help and advice if needed.
2. How will the staff in the setting support my child?
We ensure all children achieve and enjoy their time within our setting and are supported by all of our staff members through the following:
- Your child is allocated a key person developing a trusting, sensitive and caring attachment with your child, so they are able to monitor and track their development in line with EYFS requirements.
- Staff will observe children’s interests and development levels and use these to create next steps for their learning to help children reach their individual learning targets.
- We work closely with parents, gathering their opinions and ideas.
- We plan stimulating activities based on your child’s needs and developments.
- All children’s progress is recorded in their learning journeys, documenting all their progress and achievements which is available for you to look at any time.
- We can apply for funding at Consortia to further support your child.
- Our designated Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator can refer to specialised services if further help is needed;
- Targeted learning plans can be put in place to support learning and development, which will include parents with ideas of how they can support the plan at home.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
We have 4 separate rooms organised by age and ability. To stimulate children’s interests and encourage learning, your child’s key person will have individual planning
focused on their interests and learning needs, whilst providing exciting and enhanced provision areas both indoors and outdoors.
If children need specific support we will work with professionals to develop individual strategies to support your child’s development. Your child will be provided with all the help they need to encourage them to become independent and develop through their milestones.
4. What specialist services and expertise can be accessed by the setting?
We work in partnership with the local authority and access support from quality development officers, Social Care, Health Visiting teams and our children’s centre. We are also able to access support from speech and language therapist, education psychologist and physiotherapists. We are also a member of the Early Years Consortia so we can apply for funding to further support your child.
As we have such close links with Garston Children’s Centre, we can also offer extra programmes to meet your child’s individual needs. Garston Children Centre also holds regular parenting classes for families that feel they need a little extra support with their child.
We have a designated Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator who can discuss any concerns with parents and families and can guide them through the process of obtaining additional support if needed.
5. How accessible is the setting?
We are fully wheelchair accessible with clearly marked entrance and exits. We have a range of play surfaces planned to challenge and develop the children’s physical skills.
We ensure our setting is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children. We have an open-door policy and are more than happy to discuss your child’s individual needs and make reasonable adjustments.
6. How will the setting support my child in transferring to the next stage of education?
Our practitioners and SENCO liaise closely with all schools our children will be attending. We invite your child’s new teacher to visit our setting to see the children in a familiar environment. This helps the child gain trust and enables them to be more relaxed and confident when beginning their next stage of education. When possible we also arrange visits for your child to visit their new school with their key person, so they become familiar with their new environment.
The role-play area is enhanced with school uniforms and conversations are held with the children about school to make them aware of what is happening soon. We also
create books for your child to take home including pictures of their new school and classroom.
The school will be provided with a transition form stating the stages of development your child is working at according to the EYFS framework, any other additional information will also be share at these meeting to support your child’s transition.
7. How are parents involved in the setting? How can I be involved?
We continually strive to work on parents as partners encouraging an open friendly relationship between all staff and parents. We operate an open door policy encouraging potential parents to come and look round the setting whenever is convenient for them.
We have daily discussions with parents regarding children’s development and interests throughout the day and any areas they have made progress in.
We hold annual parents evening for parents to come and look through children files and hold discussions with key person to share information on children’s progress.
Parents are informed on start dates that they are free to look through there child’s files when needed and their child’s key person is always available for them.
We hold regular parent morning and afternoons where parents are free to join their child in our setting to participate in activities. We have previously worked with parents creating sports days with our children, storytelling, rhyme time and sharing their experiences of special holiday from different cultures such as Chinese New Year.